Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Here comes the sun

Jebediah enjoying the first rays of the day.

This time of the year always makes me feel like you can start over again.  Like you can wipe the slate clean and let new life come forth. I think this year the feeling of a new beginning is stronger then it has been in a long time.
 The last few years have been some of the hardest of our lives. We had to say goodbye to two very dear friends...One with no warning and no time to say goodbye when she was suddenly and tragically killed by a bear... leaving behind 2 small children and a unbelievable mind numbing grief to all who knew and loved her.

Kelly was one of those people that you instantly feel in love with when you met her. She had such a tender heart for every living creature God created. She was also one of the most amazing mothers I have ever known. I know she is with Jesus because He was the biggest love of her life but I sure miss her every day!
5 months later another one of our closest friends who was also our Pastor and grieved with us over the death of our
mutual friend Kelly, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and went home to be with the Lord within 3 short months.
We were given a chance to say our goodbyes to Kevin and maybe it took some of the sharp edges off the grief but it still took us into a very dark winter of the soul.

I have to say I never bought into the time heals all wounds before we lost Kelly and Kevin and even more so now. But I do know that the knowledge that we will see them again one day and that they are safe with the Lord Jesus.... is the greatest comfort and healing we can have this side of heaven when we have such tragic events happen in our lifes.

So I share all that to share this...
For behold, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone...Song of Soloman 2:11

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