Monday, July 13, 2020

Pulling Weeds with God

me: What do I do right now?
God: Pull those weeds.
me: so I did....
...And a blog post was born.

I find when my life is in a "surprise season"... and what I mean by that is something I didn’t see coming.... i.e.  Covid  

I need to stay very focused on the heart of God to help me navigate through it. So the above conversation is a very normal part of my day.  I find God speaks to me in the simplest things and the greatest revelations of His love and care come to me this way. 

So now I’m going to paint you the picture of my weed pulling time with God and how He spoke to my heart. He really does still speak in parables if we listen. 

As soon as I bent over and started pulling weeds my little 3lbs  Yorky Ricky started to bark her head off and the more I pulled weeds the more she barked.  For whatever reason she just did not like that I was doing this.  But after a time she quieted herself down now more interested with the new smells that had been unearthed from the weed pulling. For dogs those are pleasurable smells I suppose.  As I was finishing up it started to rain which cleaned up my job nicely.  I knew God was trying to get a message across to me in this seemly simple task but I didn't see it till hours later when I was in my quiet time with the Lord pouring out my heart about something I was just not happy about...then I realized I was Ricky! Here I was barking at God because I didn’t understand what he was doing and then I realized He was just weeding my garden to bring out a more beautiful fragrance...and that thought brought such a refreshing rain to my soul. Thank you Lord for the intimate way you speak to our hearts and how you and only you can restore our soul. 


...Make my garden breathe out fragrance, Let its spices be wafted abroad. May my beloved come into his garden And eat its choice fruits!"

Song of Solomon 4:16 



  1. Replies
    1. And so was your email notification with your name in the header! Hope Floats!
