The other
evening I thought it would be nice to take Shannie down to the lake for a walk
and some pictures. I took Glory along since she had such a rough week….poor
baby. But she is feeling better. The
side of the lake we normally go to was closed, so I took them to an area I wasn’t
very familiar with.
And we were
just having a blast in our own little world...
Until I
looked through my lens and saw this face below…and I knew something was wrong.
This girl
better never play poker…lol
Well, turns
out it was the park rangers motioning for us to come to their truck. Where they proceeded
to give me a scolding for having a dog where they were not allowed.
When I earnestly
told them “no sir I did not see any signs”
They gave me
such a displeasing look.
But it wasn’t
till I got home and went through the shots that I understood why …lol
sure they thought I was lying through my teeth.
I know all my friend and family who know me completely believe I did not see
that sign…lol
don’t understand it myself….how I can be a person who is so visual and so complexly
oblivious to my surroundings at the same time.
Yes, I think
they even called for backup as we quickly left.
Must have
been that big mean Pit Bull I had with me that had them so on edge.
Poor Shannie…She's the only girl whose Grammy gets her in trouble with the po po…lol