Saturday, March 9, 2013

Screaming Glory

This is a happy little reunion Shannie is having with Glory after she went on one of her little disappearing acts again. She has done this to me a few times since Richard passed away and I can’t say I was so ready to hug her when she came back home like Miss Shannie was.  I get so worried I’m sick... which quickly turns to anger when she just strolls back up on the porch like hey I had fun now let me in. Grrrrrrr!  Last time she did it I drove around the neighborhood screaming GLORY! When I finally gave up and drove back home she was standing on the front walkway. Well I guess it could be worse…she could be named Butkus like the dog from Rocky.
  (pronounced “butt kiss” for people who may be like me… and didn’t realize for years what he was really calling his dog….lol)

How she opens the gate I still haven’t figured out…and before Richard passed away the gate could be wide open and she wouldn’t go anywhere.
Ok so now I’ll go give her some hugs since I vented my grrrrrr’s here…Thanks for listening peeps …what would I do without you all! :)

Oh and Miss Kiki is having another lazy day. 
When I grow up I want to be one of my dogs
(And NO my name will not be Butkus!)


  1. Thank goodness Glory found her way back home once again! I would have been so frightened too. She knows her place, but had to spread her wings a little bit.

    I LOVE Kiki! That is what my 4 (loving) nephews (from the OTHER side of my family) call me. I guess blogging sister, we're connected in more ways that we'll ever know :)


    1. I'm sure there is ....and it's so cool discovering them Kiki! :)

  2. Oh Kiki...what a lazy girl LOL! I'm glad Glory came home. Our black lab would do that to his kennal door. The town cop would stop him on the street and Jagger would hop right in the car and the cop would take him to the pound. We would have a message on our answering machine when we got home from work and Kurt would go get him $50 dollars later GRRRRR! We put a caribeaner clip on the latch and he didn't do it again. Except the time he pulled up the chain link up during a thunder storm and got out. GRRRR! That took hog panneling to keep him in.

    1. Oh wow Anne that would have made me grrrrr
