Friday, March 15, 2013

When we’re sick…

…where do we go…well off to Grandma’s house you know.

Received a phone call this morning my Shannie was not feeling well. So she is here a little early for the weekend getting lots of TLC.

She decided if she is feeling under the weather then so must Gwenie, that is why here head is swathed. The girl watches to many cartoons…lol
I didn’t have the heart to tell her that means toothache.


  1. Hope Shannie feels better soon!!!

  2. Absolutely precious photo! I hope Shannie is well soon. Gwenie is sweet to play along. lol

  3. Oh No! Not Shannie! We sure hope she is feeling better real soon.


    p.s. Please say a prayer for Lily. She is really sick and I had to rush her into the Vets this afternoon. I just put a post up about it. xoxo

    1. Kim I posted on your blog. You are so in my thoughts and prayers right now. Please, please keep me posted.

  4. Poor sweet Shannie. It's good she has a grammie to give her lots of tender lovin care and a little doxie to share her blankie. Hope she feels better soon.
