Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Beauty for ashes

I know there is light at the end of this dark tunnel
In my prayer time this morning I was reading Isaiah 54. It’s one of my favorite passages in the bible. Today something the Lord showed me has made it even more meaningful.  In verse 4 it says… “you will remember no more the reproach of your widowhood”.  I looked up the word reproach and one of the definitions is “disappointment”. Only the Lord knew that’s exactly how I feel right now. On top of just missing Richard with every ounce of my being….the disappointment of all the dreams we had together no longer being possible aches my heart. But now I hang on to this promise that... somehow …. someday and in only the way that God can… I will not have this ache from unfulfilled dreams.  I think of it this way… Years ago I had a miscarriage….that was such a painful time. However very soon after that I was pregnant again with my beautiful daughter. Even though I still think of that baby and know someday I will see that child in heaven.  The disappointment of the unfilled dream is not there.  Speaking of baby’s... I found out the day we put my beloved Richard to rest our daughter is having her first baby!  He/She is due a few days before Richards’s birthday.  And anyone who has read my blog for even a short time…you know I can do Grammy! LOL  
Thank you Jesus for giving us beauty for ashes!


  1. There is light at the end of the tunnel ~ Congrat's on the wonderful news!

    My Grandma (who was a very wise woman) said to me on her death bed, "one must leave this earth to make way for another." That too was the day we found out that my sister-in-law was pregnant. Life works in mysterious ways....

    We will keep your daughter in our thoughts and prayers for a wonderful pregnancy.


  2. Oh my gracious!! I have some major catching up to do one these blogs. Congratulations to your daughter and I am off to read more of your bloggy to catch myself up.

    Sarah & le Weens

    1. Sarah thank you so much for all your post...I'm sorry I didn't reply to each one...but I want you to know I read every post and what you said about Richard in the post "saddest day of my life" made me cry. I pray what ever the "happenings" are in your life that you find peace and comfort in the Lords love for you. big hugs!

  3. My father died 26 years ago only 2 weeks before my daughter was born. In so many ways this held my mother up. I like to think that somehow God in his all knowing and mysterious ways was replacing one life with another though I could not understand that at that time. It certainly was painful to lose him at what should have been a joyous time since this was his first grandchild and my firstborn. Now with the passage of time I see how God carried us through such a deep valley. Everytime I look into the eyes of my daughter I see the twinkle of my dads eye in hers and I remember that God does love us so much. I pray that things go well for you and your daughter during this time.

    1. How beautiful Naomi...I can't tell you how moved I get from people sharing there story's. Blessing to you and yours!

  4. Our family had a similar experience. My pregnancy with our daughter was confirmed on the day of my father-in-law's funeral. He died of a massive heart attack in May of 2000 and Liza was born November 15th. It's nice to have something so special to look forward to after something so sad has just happend. May God bless you, your daughter and the new baby. I pray her pregnancy goes very well.

    1. Anne thank you for sharing that. You are a giver of hope :)
